Case Study 1
Shire of Wyndham East Kimberley (SWEK)
CORE was engaged by SWEK to supervise restoration of roads (sealed, unsealed, urban, rural and remote), footpaths, drainage, boat ramps, waste management facilities, levy banks. CORE mobilised to Kununurra within 24hrs of the main event and assisted the Shire with Counter Disaster Operations, community communications, assessment of damage, cost estimation of damage, setting up procurement to engage contractors, calling and assessing tenders for repair works, preparing contracts for execution, on-going supervision of restoration works, administering contractor claims and payments, preparation and submission of WANDRRA Claims.
This work occurred between February 2014 to March 2015.
Case Study 2
Shire of Exmouth
CORE was engaged by Exmouth immediately following flooding associated with an intense tropical low that impacted the Cape Range peninsula. CORE’s work involved assessment and costing of damage, to roads, footpaths and drainage. CORE ran the procurement processes to engage contractors. This was a particularly delicate exercise as there were two local contractors who were very keen on undertaking the work.
One of the contractors had family related links to elected members and therefore the Council was keen to ensure that an independent, open and transparent procurement process occurred that provided a fair and equal opportunity for all contractors and which did not disadvantage local contractors and maximised the opportunity to keep as much of the work local. CORE successfully delivered on this task which resulted in the two local contractors winning the work and confidence with Council and the Community that is was a fair and transparent process.
CORE then supervised the restoration works.
This work took place between April 2014 and March 2015.
Case Study 3
Shire of Dalwallinu
The Shire of Dalwallinu was impacted by the AGRN661 flooding event. CORE mobilised by air to Dalwallinu in association with the Yalgoo initial assessment. The Shire initially though damage was limited to approximately $800k. Following formal engagement by the Shire, CORE undertook a more detailed assessment of damage which ended up being in the order of several million. CORE then prepared cost estimates, ran the procurement process and supervised restoration works on behalf of the Shire.
This work commenced in March 2015 and ran through to August 2016.
Case Study 4
AGRN743 – Heavy Rainfall and Associated Flooding January/ February 2017.
CORE is currently in the process of supervising restoration works for the following local governments under AGRN743;
· Shire of Corrigin
· Shire of Bruce Rock
· Shire of Narembeen
· Shire of Kondinin
· Shire of Kent
· Shire of Beverley
· Shire of Woodanilling
· Shire of Wagin
· Shire of Dumbleyung
The above Shires contain over 10,000km of road, the majority of which was assessed for damage. CORE has completed the damage assessment and prepared a cost estimate for repair for all 9 Shires. The total cost estimate exceeds $20m.
Case Study 5
Shire of Wongan - Ballidu
Unfortunately, the Shire of Wongan – Ballidu did not engage external resources to assist with supervising it’s WANDRRA Claim under AGRN673. Consequently, Main Roads rejected the Shire’s first claim. Fortunately, Wongan – Ballidu then engaged CORE to help get things back on track. CORE’s WANDRRA team undertook a reassessment of the damage and redrafted and resubmitted the Shire’s Claim 1. CORE then undertook the procurement exercise to engage contractors to undertake restoration works.
CORE supervised this work from June 2017 to May 2017.
Case Study 6
Shire of Exmouth
Just as CORE completed the works for Exmouth under AGRN627, Exmouth was hit by Severe Tropical Cyclone Olwyn. The majority of damage associated with this event occurred in areas different to those that were impacted by AGRN627. Some avoidance of damage was due to the high standard of work done under 627 that stood up to the battering associated with Severe Tropical Cyclone Olwyn.
As our work under AGRN627 had just completed, Exmouth carried on CORE’s engagement under AGRN663 and we ran a similar process to assess and estimate the damage, engage and supervise contractors and administer the entire project on behalf of the Shire.
This work commenced in March 2015 and ran through to November 2015.